06 Jul 2016 The Sleekit Beasties

Ceilidh in a Brewery...

If you're struggling for wedding venue ideas, why not consider a brewery. If you think about it, it makes perfect sense. Brewery's are usually -

  1. Large and Spacious
  2. Filled with Beer


What else do you need in a wedding venue really? This is where we played recently, WEST Brewery in Glasgow -

The sun was shining and it was a beautiful day for a wedding, right beside Glasgow Green. As you can see, the beasties which were not driving helped themselves to the beverages available - 


There was also a really cool thing the bride and groom did for the guests - they prepared these cards for them with details of all involved -

Not only was it a nice way to say thanks to all the "Superstar Suppliers", but it meant people knew the names of all involved. Probably the most asked question we get is "What's your band called?", and we can relate to how difficult "Sleekit Beasties" can be to remember (especially after a pint or five in a brewery). Also, hashtags work a treat at the end of the cards too.

#sleekitbeastiessavedmylife #ceilidhbandgoals

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