30 Aug 2014 Admin

Why You Should Book Your Wedding Band Through a Music Agency

Live function bands can make your wedding day extra special. They personalise your ceremony, keep guests relaxed, and get the party going on for hours - creating an atmosphere that is entertaining and unforgettable. 

The Strides

When booking your wedding band, you can either contact them directly or book through a music agency. We’d obviously recommend the second option because of the following reasons: 

1. Music agencies help you filter your options. 

When you search for wedding bands on your own, you usually get over a thousand results. Having a lot of options may be a good thing, but not in this case. Wading through thousands of results can be very time-consuming and frustrating, especially when you only come across a few good ones. 

At Music for Scotland, we narrow your options by weeding out bands that do not reach our strict criteria. From rock ‘n roll bands to classical musicians to Scottish Ceilidh bands, all the acts featured on our site have been carefully picked by our team to ensure you get the best entertainment relevant to your budget, location, and musical taste. 

2. They take the stress out of booking wedding entertainment. 

When you’re planning your wedding, there is so much to think about. From booking your venue to sorting the flowers to buying your wedding dress to finding your wedding caterer, the list seems to go on and on. Hiring your wedding band through a music agency spares you the additional headache caused by booking the band directly. No longer do you have to deal with unanswered phone calls and long hours of auditioning individual bands. 
With Music for Scotland, all you need to do is to go through these 3 steps and you’re done! It’s super quick and easy. 


3. Music agencies give you peace of mind. 

Despite the preparation, unforeseeable events may happen on your wedding day. What happens if the band you’ve booked directly pulls out a few days before the wedding? What happens if a member becomes ill? What happens if they simply don’t turn up? 
Booking through a music agency can avoid these nasty surprises from ruining your special day. Live music agencies can immediately send a backup or a replacement band at the very last minute if the worst happens. 

4. They offer professional, reliable service. 

Music agencies are real, legitimate businesses that ensure you get your money’s worth. Booking through a music agency reduces the risk of getting ripped off or even scammed. 
Music for Scotland has a professional website that includes a profile page for each band. Their page details everything you need to know about the band, how they play, how they sound, what their usual playlist is, and so on. 

Musicforscotland.co.uk has been providing fast, efficient, and friendly service to numerous clients for over 20 years. If you’re looking into booking a Scottish wedding band soon, simply browse our selection, make a shortlist and submit your enquiry. 
If you need anything else, contact us and we’ll be glad to be of service.
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